
Friday 17 April 2015

Millefiore Rosette #4

Rosette #4 is finished!  Woohooooooooooo.  Only eight more to go.  They do get smaller from here on in, so hopefully I can keep up.

I did not have a clear plan for the colours on this one when I started.

I decided I needed to use the Viewmaster print with the light background for the large centre of the hexagon in the first row.  The little pieces on the bottom had me stumped until I came across the Backgammon fabric which fit perfectly with the shape.  It was at that point that I decided the rosette would be pink and green.  I added the green fabric with the pink star next, and then the green bunny just had to join in.

Staying with the backgammon fabric, I completed the first rosette of the second row.  Here it is placed as shown in the post for Katja.

The second hexagon of row two carried the backgammon fabric through out.  The pink stars were next, and then a little light cream background to keep the rosette light in colour.

I gave the first hexagon one turn to the right, so that a line was created throughout all of row two.

Row three was next.  I decided to use a darker pink to offset the dark green points in the first row.  The Jacks fabric was used to compliment the colour of the Viewmaster fabric.

The last decision I made was the centre.  I'm glad I waited!  If I had started with the centre, I'm sure the rosette would of been dominated by that decision.

If you haven't yet checked it out, click here for Katja's New Hexagon Millefiore Quilt Along.

Linking up with Finish It Up Friday!


  1. This is great Linda. My favourite so far ; )

  2. Gorgeous Linda! Great use of fabrics!

  3. This is such an amazing quilt. So much thought goes into each rosette. Very nice. Visiting from FIUF.

  4. So much work. It is coming together very nicely!

  5. Wow....those look so complicated. Great job.

  6. Wow! It's incredible and just so tiny and intricate!

  7. Oh my god, your fussy cutting is amazing! I'm in total awe.
