
Friday 29 April 2016

A Lovely Batch of Quilts

It feels so good to have a few quick finishes to give away to the local Elizabeth Fry Society.

Fun quilts for the women and children who live in the local residential units working towards a new start to their lives.

The tops for these two were donated by Deborah.  A lot of the backing and batting was donated by Trendtex fabric.  Thanks to all (you know who you are) that make it possible to give quilts to such a great local charity.

Linking up with Finish it up Friday!

Friday 22 April 2016

Bev's Arcadia Avenue

Most of the past week was spent quilting Bev's Arcadia Avenue.  She had done an amazing job of piecing the top, so quilting it was a pleasure!

I tried to do a little something different in each block, with a lot of in the ditch to emphasize the piecing.

The background quilting was meant to echo the large hexagons.

With a bit of a modern flare!

Only one Splendid Sampler block managed to get finished this week.  Oh well.

Linking up with Finish it up Friday.

Friday 15 April 2016

Pick Your Size

This past week I quilted two Lone Star quilts for friends.  One was made using 2 1/2" strips with 1' sashing.  Working in the smaller scale is a bit of a challenge, but Joan was up for it.

This little beauty finishes a little over 40" square.  The plan is for this to be a wall hanging.

Barb's quilt was made with 4" strips and 1 1/2" sashing.  Add a couple of borders and it finishes at 93" square.  What a difference the strip size makes!

Both quilts have a bit of my doodle quilting on them.

I often take pictures of the corner quilting at the top so that when I get to the border at the bottom a couple of days later, I can remember what I did.  Saves having to roll the quilt back on the longarm to check.  I've had to do that a time or two.

My Splendid Sampler blocks are coming along.  I'm using whatever scraps I have hanging around my cutting table.  The little dots on the quilt shop block is so old I don't even remember where it came from.  I'm struggling a little to get caught up on the blocks from my last holiday.  Oh well, I can only do what I can do!

Linking up with Finish it up Friday.

Friday 8 April 2016

A Few Quick Finishes

This week has been a little hectic, so the finishes are quick little project.

This little top is another example for my Kaleido-design class.  It will be quilted eventually.

This cute little topper was pieced by Iva and quilted by me.  The pattern is by sewfreshquilts.

I only managed to get one block from the Splendid Sampler.  I used Janet Claire's fabric for the block designed by Janet Claire.

Linking up with Finish it up Friday!

Friday 1 April 2016

Finishing up an Oldie!

Eventually I do get around to finishing up some of my older tops.  If there isn't a deadline, quilts tend to by pushed aside.  I rummaged around and found this one that uses blocks from my Stash Busters Quilt Along from September of 2013.

I wasn't totally pleased with the layout, so it waited until I had a deadline.  I decided it would be a good quilt to give to charity, so it hit the top of the list for quilting and now it is ready to go.  It has a very cozy flannel on the back so it will keep someone warm.

I am way behind on my Splendid Sampler blocks, but I'm okay with that.

I used Janet Clare's "Nocturnal" for this one  I see that the most recent block is designed by Janet, so I may have to use some of her fabric for it!

This block was supposed to have embroidery that looked like a crocheted doily.  Instead I dug out this treasured little angel that I tatted about twenty years ago.  I was saving it for something special, so here it is.

"Purebred" by Erin Michael is the fabric in this block.  I wanted a little horse related fabric included, so these horseshoes fit the bill.

And because one quilt along isn't enough, I decided to join Kelli's Minecraft Quit Along.  I have been following Kelli's blog for quite some time.  I remember how excited she was when her first pattern was published.  She's come a long way since then.

This past Easter Weekend was spent playing with the Grandkids.  These two spent an afternoon with us.  I love this picture of them being bounced on the teeter tooter by Grandpa.  They made pillowcases while visiting, but we were having so much fun, I forgot to take a picture.  The other two Granddaughters came the day before for a Easter Barbecue and muffin icing marathon with Auntie Leslie.  A great time was had by all.

Linking up with Finish It Up Friday